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SPT-7200 浮子式液位计

SPT-7200 series is a magnet float type level gauge by which liq- uid level and temperature in tank can be measured.
This level can be detected by this gauge, by activating reed switch completely sealed in guide pipe by the magnet in the float.
The detected resistance is converted into a current signal and be outputted to a remote indicator and/or data logger.
The temperature sensor up to 2 probes can be assembled, and the signal can be outputted after converting it into 4-20mA cur- rent signal same as level data.
When it is required to use RS232C signal to host computer, it is recommended to adopt TIC multi-monitor, DIR-M1600-ALG.
Compact and Cost Saved Design.
Rationally designed to comply with customers’ requirement
Output signal can be integrated into same signal.
In case of the current signal, Ballast Tank Level Gauge is used for Fuel Tank Level Gauge, and the signal system can be integrated.
A division type level gauge will be also available.
The guide pipe divided into two or more pieces corresponding to complicated tank structure and an immersed type gauge in liquid tank can also be manufactured.
公司地址: 上海市松江区中创路68号5幢2层
联系人:张小姐 电话:021-57633151 传真:021-57630203
东京计装(上海)仪表商贸有限公司版权所有 2009 沪ICP备17000942号-1


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